Joining the ŌPŌTIKI RSA is quick and easy, plus it’s a great way to meet new people, and have a great night out.
You can also make use of all the facilities on offer.
Talk to a staff member on 07 315 6174 or email us about joining or renewing your membership.
Our Current Annual Membership fees are as follows:
- Under 70 years of age - $50.00
- Over 70 years of age - $30.00
- Over 90 years of age – FREE
You can either pop into the RSA and pay with cash/EFTPOS or:
Pay via internet banking using the following account details:
Account Name - Opotiki County RSA
Account Number - 02 0388 0048720 00
Reference - Please use your Membership Number
If any of your contact details have changed (address, contact number, email address), please contact us so we can update our records.